Arbeitskreis Photographie

Welcome to University's photo group

In our Photo-AK, photography enthusiasts from the University of Stuttgart meet every Monday in a cosy, relaxed atmosphere. At our Monday meetings we discuss pictures, exchange experiences and plan and realize joint photographic projects.

We meet every Monday at 8 pm at Böblinger Str. 78 F, room 4.039.

In addition, we have a photo studio, as well as a darkroom for processing black and white films, both of which are available to active working group members. More information about our activities can be found here.

The Photo-AK is part of the Studium Generale of the University of Stuttgart since 1999.


Instagram /photoak.unistuttgart                    Facebook /unistuttgart.photoak

A selection of our recent pictures




Böblinger Straße 78, 70199 Stuttgart

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